Debut of the Euro-Fighter 320 EX

The Euro-Fighter 320 EX is Gerstlauer Amusement Ride’s fourth Euro-Fighter roller coaster to be produced. As has become tradition, the breathtaking ride begins with the unique first drop of more than 90°.

Because of the lower costs for footings, this Euro-Fighter will be constructed as a stationary roller coaster on a base frame with three cars. These cars can comfortably carry up to 8 passengers in two rows.

After leaving the station, the vehicle climbs vertically up the 22m high lift tower, so the passengers look straight up at the sky. Reaching the highest point of the tower the car travels a roll-over of just 5m and the passengers can realize their true height for the first time. There are just a few seconds to orientate oneself before the car rushes down the 97°-drop. It’s not possible to see the track so riders get the feeling of a jet pilot’s dive as they speed toward the ground.

After this extraordinary drop, the track spins the passengers in an 18.5m loop towards the sky, where they experience the first of three inversions. After this the ride glides into the next exciting element: the Immelmann Loop. This Euro-Fighter is the first roller coaster of Gerstlauer Amusement Rides to feature this element. Leaving the Immelmann Loop, the car gains height in a left curve and at the highest point the passengers rush through the third inversion – a heartline roll. Due to the rotation of the car along the heartline the element offers guests the feeling of weightlessness as it rolls head over heels.

When the car leaves the heartline roll, the passengers accelerate in a right curve to enter the last helix with a change of direction from right to left. Before the riders can comprehend this unforgettable trip the magnetic reducing brake brings them to a smooth stop.

97° drop –loop – immelmann loop – heartline roll – xg-helix: the Euro-Fighter 320 EX offers everything on a track length of 361m and a base frame of just 60m x 38m. This truly is a unique high speed experience made by Gerstlauer Amusement Rides.

The Euro-Fighter – go beyond vertical!

Ride Specifications:

Footprint:                       197 x 125 feet
Track length:                  1184 feet
Maximum lift height:     72 feet
Maximum speed:           43.5 mph
Max. vertical g-force:    4.5 g
Min. vertical g-force:    -1.3 g
Max. lateral g-force:     1.2 g
Number of cars:             3
Theoretical capacity:    850 pph
Ride duration:               40 seconds

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