October 30, 2012
We rode out the storm ok here. Needless to say, we were very lucky and with a turn of a few degrees things could have been much worse for us here in Baltimore and on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Our thoughts go out to everyone north of us who was affected. We have seen some amazing images from north of us in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York. Our thoughts especially go out to everyone who has a shore park; we hope you made it through ok. The linked picture below (URL here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4880549730578&set=a.2172304346136.202296.1202581745&type=1&theateras ) was shared by Coney Island photographer when he visited Coney Island Tuesday morning. The sand and debris shows the high water mark. We have also seen that Seaside Heights (Funtown Pier and Casino Pier) was hit heavily, it looks like a lot of damage there.
While this has had us preoccupied we will dive back into IAAPA shortly. There is a lot left to do and the trucks leave next week!