The Sky Tykes™ is awesome because it offers an interactive course experience for the smallest of adventurers. Kids can get harnessed and step through a course with their parents beside them.

The Sky Tykes™ is a great add-on to the Sky Trail® Explorer or Discovery. was specifically designed for children ages 2-7, or anyone under 1.22 m (48 in) tall. The open course design allows for easy parent participation for any level of assistance needed.Full body harnesses, redundant sling lines, continuous belay systems, enclosed tracking systems and proportionally sized elements were designed to ensure the highest degree of safety so kids and parents can focus on fun.

The platforms are only .81 m (2 ft, 8 in) above the ground and the total course height is 2.49 m (8 ft, 2 in), which allows young adventures to traverse the elements at a comfortable height. The open course design allows parents or chaperones to easily assist their child if necessary. The Sky Tykes™ can be constructed as an independent attraction or a course that seamlessly integrates with the other full-size courses.

The Sky Tykes™ can be found at facilities across the globe:

  • Norwegian Cruise Line Ship Escape
  • Diggerland (New Jersey, USA)
  • Milwaukee County Zoo (Wisconsin, USA)

Standard Features

  • Standard color scheme
  • Entrance & exit with fencing for whole attraction
  • 9 linear paths
  • Appropriate number of sling lines, emergency take down kits, and harnesses
  • Final course inspection and certification